Monthly Archives: January 2013
No Memory to Mix Sounds
Posted by Support at Jan

Each family of Apple devices have different amounts of memory. The iPhone 3 gs and iPod 4 have 256 meg of usable memory. The iPhone 4 and iPad 2 have 512 meg. The iPhone 5 has 1 gigabyte free. iMindAmbiEnce can mix up to 6 channels of sounds together for playback. However, the device […]
Stuck Unpacking the Default Sound Pack
Posted by scottebarton at Jan

Depending on the device, iPod, iPhone or iPad, the unpacking of the default sound pack can take 20 seconds to 1.5 minutes. Clutter on the device can also fragment the files and cause them to be scattered over a larger area. However, sometimes your device may not have enough free storage space to complete […]